Friday 22 June 2007


Just a few miles away fellow inhabitants of this area are regular recipients of the Mistral winds ( ).

Last night we experienced the Mistral in full bellow. The wind blew and blew, and doors rattled, shutters banged and flower pots flew.

Alp got up at 3am to walk the dark halls in search if open doors or windows, and to ensure that none of our shutters were banging. We were safely battened down when he returned ten minutes later. Alas, our neighbours property had one shutter that was not locked down. It banged and banged as if it wanted to jump off its hinges.

We woke to find our garden had not really survived the winds. Many of the lighter flower pots were either on their sides, or feet from where they normally resided.

The Japanese Lawn looked like it had been brushed from left to right with a large comb . The ground was full of leaves, mostly dead, so I guess they flew in from our neigbours gardens as we had only cleaned up the court a few days ago.

In amongst all of this mess, was a handful of cigarette butts. Our neighbours builders are keen on using our garden as their ashtray. We are looking forward to them leaving when the project is completed - end of June we have been promised. The morning ritual of trucks, shouting and banging at 7am is begining to grate.

My French teacher arrived on time and completley unprepared for the lession. We revisited some old lessons and when a young lad walked passed she tutted and infomred me that she did not like him. When I asked how she knew him, she informed me that she had never spoken to him and never would. All because he was no of French heratage. I'm not sure our relationship will last long.

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