Friday 22 June 2007

Sweet Chario... (t)

This evening was spent in the heart of the village. The Church.

We were there to hear the local choir fill the space with song. 16 song were belted out, two were in sung in English.

The church was packed and it was a delight to meet new so many new people too. Tonight the church alter was not host to the choir. A blackbird flew in and joined-in some of the hymms.

When singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, none of the choir pronounced the "t" in Chariot. As I have learn't from my French lessons here in the village, there are many words where the last letter is not pronounced. Chario is just one.

Somehow, to my ear, it sounded odd and I wanted to add a "t" every time. I left knowing that every time I heard the song in the future, I'd recall the Cruzy Choir and smile.

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