Some would say standing in the summer sun waiting for men on bikes for 4 hours was a waste of a good day. We disagree. While waiting for this years Tour de France to blow through a nearby town, we joined friends from the village and took along picnics to help pass the time. Little did we know that just 45 minutes before the frontrunners were due, a large procession of cars, vans, trucks and ... well plastic floats, come bombing past.
Now this is nothing ordinary, but when you discover that 11 million freebies are thrown from those passing vehicles, you may begin to appreciate the sense of excitement felt by the crowd, and the Cruzy contingent. We were inundated with freebies. hats, key rings, foam hands (special favourite) food, drinks, purses, papers, posters, banners, sweets, florescent straps and best of all, fabric bags (great for shopping). We were in competition with the 8 year old and his mum just to our left. Often we had to let the little guy win the prize, but we managed to catch items faster than they could at times, otherwise we'd have very little in our bags. They walked away with a larger bag of bootie than us, but we believe we were after the quality freebie, rather than just the quantity of freebies.
Hands up those with Freebies.
If you look closely, the chap in the Yellow Jersey is "winner" at this point, althought he came in 47th and is being investigated for taking drugs... well he did not attend 2 drug tests. 3rd time and he's out. Turns out it was his own countries national paper that ratted on him... poor show!
14th July 2007
Ah what a day for the meek, geek and hero worship. Kieran met his Hero of Heroes, Luke Skywalker. Yes, I know its Mark Hammil, but to my 8 year old heart of hearts, it was Luke Skywalker himself. Now, I know paying to meet a celebrity is not really counted at meeting, but when I have photographic proof and video evidence, it counts to me and in 20 years I can change the story to meet my fantasy needs.
Ah what a day for the meek, geek and hero worship. Kieran met his Hero of Heroes, Luke Skywalker. Yes, I know its Mark Hammil, but to my 8 year old heart of hearts, it was Luke Skywalker himself. Now, I know paying to meet a celebrity is not really counted at meeting, but when I have photographic proof and video evidence, it counts to me and in 20 years I can change the story to meet my fantasy needs.
Kieran and Luke sitting in a tree, K. I. S... you get it.
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