Wednesday, 4 March 2009

The Post Office

The future of the small post office in Cruzy has been a constant source of conversation here in the village.

The word on the street was that the service would come to  an end and we would all be forced to travel to Quarante for our stamps.

Cruzy (73)With the threat looming, the village and the Mayor mobilised, and at the end of March we all stood around in the cold in the Village Square to celebrate the saving of the Post Office (albeit with reduced opening hours). There were speeches from trade unions, the Mairie (town hall) and campaigners who told us how disgraceful the closing of the post office would have been, and that similar closures nearby were contributing to the death of rural France.

2009-03-29 - Cruzy Street - New Postbox-1

Anyway, for those who stayed the course, there was a celebratory drink and nibbles, and a chance to admire the new post-box…